Preserving and Caring for these lakes

The lakes make the Association, along with its people. Our urgent goal as landowners is to preserve the quality of the waters, to ensure ongoing enjoyment for all, and health of the lakes’ wildlife. While individuals should take responsibility to watch off their docks for obvious issues, we need to work together to ensure that we continuously monitor and report on what we find to Vermont DEC. A few of the SSLPPA Directors have taken Vermont DEC Invasive Patroller training. This training shows how to methodically survey the the section of watery lake border for all aquatic plant species identification, and to alert DEC when invasive species are found. This section of water, known as the ‘littoral zone’, is most critical because this is where most all plants live, good and bad. If you are interested in knowing more about how to participate in keeping your lake healthy, please inquire using the CONTACT form.